Void Protocol Sale Details

VOID Protocol
5 min readMay 7, 2022


***Please note: These details are no longer accurate due to the crash of Terra and our subsequent migration to Osmosis. Please keep following for up to date information.

Void Protocol aspires to become the leading privacy protocol on Terra. With our simple, 3-step model, you can easily and securely anonymize your funds, while earning yield at the same time.

To learn more about Void Protocol, you can head to our website, read our docs, or join our Discord or Twitter.

There are three avenues through which you can acquire $VOID at IDO:
Atlo Protocol, Thorstarter and Pylon Protocol.

Atlo Protocol

The Atlo proposal goes live on the 9th May and runs for 5 days. To participate in the Atlo sales (WL and Public) you will need to complete their KYC. If you do not wish to complete KYC, you will have to participate through one of our other options.

The Atlo sale will be in 2 parts: the whitelist sale and the public sale, for 2.5m and 6m $VOID tokens respectively.

Whitelist Sale

Our WL sale will be held on the 17th May and the $VOID price will be $0.10 UST. The WL consists of 600 slots. Of those, 50 are for promotions and giveaways. The remaining 550 are for our “top community members” on Discord. This does not mean MEE6 rank! The whitelist sale is to guarantee a regular sale-price allocation of $VOID without having to be part of a platform.

Our top community members are those who have contributed the most to Void Protocol or been genuinely active and involved in our Discord. This means learning about Void, asking and answering questions, having constructive conversation, bringing forth ideas, finding flaws and making suggestions, creating content for Void, and so on. Spam/grinding will not get you whitelisted, it will have the opposite effect.

If you want to purchase $VOID and want to be in the running for a WL slot, enter your wallet address in #wl-submissions on our Discord. There are only two days left to submit your wallet (ends 9th May), so hurry! As mentioned above, KYC will be necessary for this sale, so don’t enter your wallet address if you can’t or don’t want to KYC with Atlo.

Public Sale

The Atlo public sale will be held on the 24th May. $VOID price will be $0.10 UST. To participate in the public sale, you will have to complete KYC. Atlo Protocol has an allocation system which takes into account your Atlo Rating once a project is overfunded. If the project is not overfunded, you will get your allocation. If it is overfunded, your Atlo Rating will determine how much allocation you get.

To get an Atlo Rating, you must hold and stake $ATLO. You can improve your rating by buying and staking more $ATLO and voting in governance proposals, such as the Void proposal on the 9th May.

You can learn more about Atlo Protocol in their “Intro to Atlo” medium article.


Our proposal on Thorstarter has already been accepted! The Thorstarter sale will also be held on the 24th May - the same as Atlo. It will consist of 4m $VOID tokens at a price of $0.10 UST.

To participate in the sale on Thorstarter, you need to buy $XRUNE and deposit (stake) it into their smart contract “Forge” on the Fantom* network. This gives you access to IDOs. When participating in an IDO, you will pay a 20% fee on the purchase of tokens, which is then redistributed to $XRUNE stakers (you included).
*It is possible to do this process on Terra as well, however you will not receive back any of the fee paid at the time of purchase.

The amount of $XRUNE you deposit will give you a certain “allocation multiplier”, which determines how much of the IDO token you will be able to purchase. I.E., with a 25x multiplier of a $50 base allocation, you will be able to purchase $1250 of the token.

Note: you have to register your interest for each individual sale you wish to participate in during the days preceding the sale.

Check out this “Day 0 Guide” tweet from Thorstarter to learn more.

Pylon Protocol

The Pylon proposal is currently live and ends on the 10th May, you can vote here.

The Pylon portion of our token sale consists of 2.5m tokens. There is no price, as Pylon operates using lossless investment pools. You just deposit $UST over either 6 or 12 months and receive $VOID, while we receive payment via the yield your deposit makes. You can then withdraw your entire initial deposit.

To participate in Pylon’s pools, simply head to gateway.pylon.money and connect your Terra wallet. Then select Void Protocol, input the amount you would like to deposit, then select ‘Deposit via Pylon’ on your chosen vesting period/APR%. Confirm the transaction and you’re set!

Please note: The Void Protocol sale in all its forms is only open to non-U.S. persons and entities. In addition, the sale is not and will not be offered or sold, directly or indirectly, to any person who is a resident, organized, or located in Afghanistan, Angola, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Chad, China, Crimea of Ukraine, Cuba, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Laos, Libya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Republic of Korea, Republic of the Congo, Russia, Serbia, Seychelles, Somalia, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Tajikistan, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Yemen, and Zimbabwe or any person found on the OFAC specially designated nationals, blocked person list, any other consolidated prohibited person list as determined by any applicable governmental authority.

Void Protocol Links

🌑 Website: voidprotocol.io

🌑 Docs: protocolvoid.gitbook.io/void-protocol/

🌑 Twitter: twitter.com/ProtocolVoid

🌑 Discord: discord.gg/kB2cvnWgs6

🌑 Medium: voidprotocol.medium.com/

🌑 Telegram: t.me/Void_ann



VOID Protocol
VOID Protocol

Written by VOID Protocol

Financial privacy building on Osmosis for the Cosmos Ecosystem

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